Welcome to the Imerman Kidisms blog - the place we record (for posterity, hilarity, sharity, or any other -arity) the wonderful wisdoms our kids generate. We hope this brings a smile or a chuckle to your day. See our other blog, Knock Knock

Friday, February 09, 2007

Ben's First Haircut

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Click this link to see a slideshow of Ben's first haircut today. His hair was so bad. Hmm, I think it was the past 5 months we kept saying, "We've got to get his hair cut!" Well, now we got a round to it, and here's the proof. Ashley cut Ben's hair. He sat like such a big boy, and got to squirt the water bottle, hold a comb, play with toys, and hold the clipper. Just like my last haircut!

Friday, February 02, 2007

We are the ant colony!

Here is a video of Rachel's Girl Scout Camp presentation last summer, where her troop gave a cute little play.