Welcome to the Imerman Kidisms blog - the place we record (for posterity, hilarity, sharity, or any other -arity) the wonderful wisdoms our kids generate. We hope this brings a smile or a chuckle to your day. See our other blog, Knock Knock

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chop Chop!

(Click here to view movie.)
The other day, I'm putting dinner on the table. As I put the smoothie cups out, Benjamin (Mr. Smoothie) starts screaming for his, and clapping his hands (he does that when he wants something). I say, "Hold on a minute! Boy, Ben must think he is a prince, to clap his hands and get what he wants. He thinks he can just say 'Chop! Chop!' and get what he wants." Ben then says "Chop! Chop!" I think, with a Herculean effort, I avoided spraying the food from my mouth over the table. [Ben will be 2 this Halloween.] Needless to say, he got his smoothie.

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